Taipei 101 Observation Deck

Observation Deck at Taipei 101

Observation Deck at Taipei 101

The last time I have been to an observation deck atop a building was at the Rockefeller Center in New York City. I remember the amazing cityscape that unfolded before me. Not to mention that the Empire State Building was right there to see in what is arguably the best viewing deck in the city of New York. Taipei 101 is much taller than Rockefeller Center which is nice but the rest of the city of Taipei is not that tall. There are a few tall-ish buildings but they don’t come close to those in Manhattan. This is a shame since the view would have been astounding to see tall buildings from up high.

Taipei 101 Mascot

Taipei 101 Mascot

The observation deck on top of Taipei 101 provides a 360 degree view of the city of Taipei from the top of the tallest building in Taiwan. The observation deck is generally dark since you would actually want to see something outside instead of the city lights being overwhelmed by the interior lights. Having said that, it was still difficult to take photos since it would still be too bright. I had to hide behind displays and try to block any stray light from entering the camera. This is easier said than done. It guess it would be okay for casual photo taking from a smartphone but for a proper camera the lighting here might be too much.

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