Liberty Square in Taipei is arguably Taipei’s answer to Beijing’s Forbidden City. However the buildings built on Liberty Square are far newer than the old palaces built in the Forbidden City. While the buildings have a similar architectural style, the age and even the purposes of the building are very different. There are two identical buildings here at Liberty Square when facing the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, the one of the right is the National Theater while the one of the left if the National Concert Hall. It can be quite confusing since both buildings look very similar to each other.
There is a large name plate on the roof of each building identifying the place. This is the same as the old Chinese palaces which display the name of the place. The National Concert Hall was similarly not open to visitors during my visit. I would have wanted to see how this places looks like but they probably keep tourists away since there would be too many people to manage. This place seems to be still in active use and it is probably a very good venue since some well known artists perform here. I wonder how parking would be here if there is an event since the parking outside the venues doesn’t seem to be sufficient. There is easy access to public transport so people won’t have a difficult time getting here.
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