I was following the park along the Keelung River with the rain constantly falling. There were some interesting spots here in the park which features a simple temple where people can offer prayers. There were also statues around the temple which I thought was a strange thing to see here in the waterfall park. I wasn’t sure where the path was leading to when I started hearing roar of water. I then realized that there was another waterfall nearby. I have seen a couple of waterfalls here in the park and they weren’t all that impressive. Turns out that this new one is the real deal. For one thing the roar of the water is much louder than that of the previous two.
The land around this area suddenly drops thereby creating a waterfall. The mouth of the waterfall has a small horseshoe shape with the waterfall converging and crashing down into the basin below. This is the real Shifen Waterfall. Come to think of it, there was another waterfall upstream and here was another one downstream. It makes me wonder how much lower did the land go to create this waterfall. Through thousands of years of water flowing between these mountains the waterfall was born. Although, it still isn’t as large as the Niagara falls, I guess you can forgive them for describing this as the Niagara of Taiwan.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ShifenWaterfall.kmz} zoom=19]