I decided that I had enough of Lisbon. I know that there is so much more to see here but I was just tired. The heat was really sapping my strength and I just wanted to sit. Or is it that I’m getting old. Either way, I didn’t really have anything else planned for the rest of the day. I was just randomly walking around the city center. I thought that I’m sure I would see something interesting either way. One thing which I noticed in European cities was that despite being fully developed, there was still room for open space. I think this is something important to have when it comes to livable cities.
Lisbon seems to have quite a few of these open spaces. I have seen on earlier near the main shopping street of Rua Augusto. However this was somewhat smaller than that. Praça Dom Pedro IV is one of the prettier plazas that I have seen here in Lisbon. There are two prominent structures here first one is a Corinthian column with the statue of Dom Pedro IV on top. There is also a nice fountain here which is actually quite refreshing in this heat. Finally, the floor of the plaza itself is paved with stones forming wave patterns. I was quite sure I saw this in photos before and it is actually a pattern similar to one found in Macau, China, which was a former Portuguese colony. Are you might expect Praça Dom Pedro IV is very lively with a lot of people here just chilling out. I think that is not a bad idea while I wait for dinner.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PraçaDomPedroIV.kmz} zoom=19]