The initiation well at Quinta da Regaleira was a very good introduction to the estate. I remember seeing a photo of the well and it was an amazing shot. I thought that I should go and visit this place. The well wasn’t the only place to see here. Underneath the Quinta da Regaleira, there are a number of underground pathways which lead to various places. From the well, we followed a path which goes underground and it seems to be like a small underground cave system. It wasn’t very long and it seems more like something to play with rather than a natural feature.
The path leads to a nice garden where the residents can walk about. A word of warning though, the steps here can be a little damp so it might get a little slippery, most especially near the exit where a waterfall exists. I found it a little difficult to appreciate the tunnels since there were always people around to remind you that this is actually a tourist attraction. The purposes of these tunnels aren’t very clear either much like the initiation wells. I guess it is just purely for leisure purposes to give a little more variety to the landscape in the estate.
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