Cloister of the Cathedral of Évora

Cloister of the Cathedral of Évora

Cloister of the Cathedral of Évora

As far as old churches go, the Cathedral of Évora is pretty okay. The cathedral appeared to be larger from the outside than it is inside but probably the design helps project the appearance of being large. Romanesque designs tend to project feeling of weight. The cathedral isn’t entirely romanesque though. The major cloister of the cathedral has very solid gothic designs. Unlike the previous cloisters I have visited here. This cloister appears to be darker. Thus giving it a moodier look. It was also fortunate that there was some sunlight streaming into the cloister that it gave me a good shot.

Exploring the Cloisters of the Cathedral of Évora

Exploring the Cloisters of the Cathedral of Évora

The cloister surrounds a beautiful park which is good enough for the size of the cathedral. This is after all for use of the monks. The cathedral is so large that it was not difficult to feel that one would be a world away when they are walking around in the cloisters of the cathedral. However, given the location of the cathedral, it would be difficult to remove yourself from the world just by withdrawing from the cathedral. Our world is much more urbanized and connected than it was hundreds of years back, it would be impossible to do this now.

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