The Porte de Bourgogne can be said to divide this part of the city of Bordeaux into two districts, to the north is the Saint Pierre district and to the south is the Saint-Michel district. These are both very old districts and there seems to be a lot of see here. I have been to the Saint Pierre district and I was on my way to the Saint-Michel district. Much like the Saint Pierre district, there is an important church here as well. It is quite amazing that these churches could be built so close together. Back then, there were probably more believers.
As I approached the church, the road suddenly opened up to a large plaza. At the center of the space is the Basilica of Saint Michael. The Saint Michael here is Michael the Archangel. What one would immediately notice is the presence of a very tall bell tower which was built separate from the main basilica building. From my understanding, sometimes this was done to reduce damage to the main church building because of the ringing of bells. This also allows larger bells be used. The bell tower one of the tallest I have ever seen. I understand that it is possible to climb up to the top of the tower and get a good view of Bordeaux. Unfortunately, this can only be done in the warmer months. It was a shame since this probably the best spot to take a photo of the city of Bordeaux.
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