The Basilica of Saint Sernin in the city of Toulouse is considered the largest Romanesque building in Europe, possibly the world. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site listing of the Routes of Santiago de Compostela. It is one of the stops for pilgrims passing through the city. I wasn’t sure when the season for the pilgrimage is but I didn’t feel like there were a lot of people at the basilica at the time I was there. Maybe not a lot people do that during the winter. Personally, I think it would have been more comfortable hiking in the winter compared to the summer.
There is a paid section at the Basilica of Saint Sernin, this seems to become a pattern at the churches which I have seen here in France, particularly the more popular ones. Like a lot of cathedrals, the basilica has several small chapels which round the building. These would usually be dedicated to saints of showcase some sort of relic. There wasn’t any sign on what I was really seeing here so, even if it was something really important, I couldn’t tell what it was. Which is a shame since some of the things shown here look interesting, not to mention important.
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