When I first entered the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia in Albi, immediately noticed how small the interior of the cathedral is compared to the actual building. It was almost like something is missing here. Make no mistake about it, the part which was immediately visible upon entering the cathedral is already large but compared to the cathedral building, you would think that you might be missing something. As I turned my gaze to the right of the cathedral, I noticed a screen which seems to split the cathedral into two. The first part is the one where the altar is but there is a second half which apparently also quite important.

Detail on the Stone Screen at the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia in Albi
When I visit cathedrals in Europe, I would always remember that there are sections called the choir. Back then, the church choir would be sitting in these sections and sing. This was usually put near the altar. I thought it was strange that the Albi Cathedral didn’t have a choir considering how old it was. As it turns out, there is actually one here. It is actually in the second half of the church which was divided by the stone screening. This seems to be one of the important features of the church, so important that they need to charge an entrance fee for it.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/CathedralBasilicaofSaintCecilia.kmz} zoom=19]