The necropolis of Alyscamps was set up two thousand years ago. This was before the Christianization of the Roman Empire. However, the famous cemetery continued to be used well into the Christian era. One could argue that the prestige of Alyscamps went up because two saints were buried here. It is not therefore surprising that a number of chapels have been built here. On the way in to the necropolis, I already saw the ruins of one chapel still intact. There are actually several chapels or churches here unfortunately, there was no indication as to the names of these chapels.
It is interesting to see how long Alyscamps actually is. One would have thought that the land would be more regular like a square, however it is actually elongated. There is a nearby canal which connects to the river. I would imagine that the canal helped facilitate the transport of bodies to Alyscamps. It would probably explain why the land of Alyscamps was that elongated. These days, Alyscamps feels more like a park but one would have to watch out where they sit lest it be an ancient sarcophagus. It was getting dark soon so I was just hurrying along to the end of the site while there is still light.
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