I was very happy with my visit to the amphitheater of Arles. It arguably the main attraction of the entire city. I guess, if anyone was to visit Arles they should at least see the amphitheater though they will be missing out on other stuff. Not everything is actually in the city center. There is a site outside the city center which was made part of the UNESCO World Heritage site listing of Arles. So far, all of the sites I have been to: Baths of Constantine, Crytoporticus, the ancient theater and the amphitheater are all in the city center. Now, I need to walk further to get to the final one – one which is probably not as well known as the others.
Alyscamps is a necropolis, or the city of the dead. This place was effectively a cemetery for the ancient Romans. Roman cities don’t like to bury their dead within the city walls. As a result, the places outside the city became cemeteries. It may not be that obvious now, but Alyscamps is outside the ancient city of Arles. It is around 30 minutes walk from the amphitheater. There are actually signs pointing to the necropolis so it is actually difficult to get lost here. Along the way, visitors can see the modern part of Arles.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Alyscamps.kmz} zoom=19]