The amphitheater is the centerpiece attraction of the city of Arles. A visit to the city center of Arles will most definitely bring you do this amazing structure. The amphitheater is around two thousand years old and just as old as the other Roman structures which were found here. I doubt that the amphitheater was something that was excavated since it has been used almost continuously well into modern times. As you might imagine, the amphitheater was used primarily for gladiatorial fights. Spectator sports are a big thing in the Roman empire and as anyone who has seen any fights between gladiators in the movies, it is often bloody.
The gladiators were the sport superstars of the Roman empire. They often live well because of the fame it brings their owners. A lot of these shows are actually sponsored by well known people, this is to be able to garner favor with the local populate. This is in total contrast to how it is these days where everybody has to pay to be able to watch a show. Sometimes you can’t help but think that maybe it wasn’t so bad back then. These events are held to keep the local populace entertained and keep them from thinking that the are actually controlled by the Romans. There are a lot of parallels between the Roman empire and the modern day world. Sometimes its makes you wonder the purpose of some things.
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