Movies & Miniature Museum

Miniature Library at the Movie and Miniature Museum in Lyon

Miniature Library at the Movie and Miniature Museum in Lyon

Vieux Lyon or Old Lyon is a joy to walk in. The cobblestone streets are lined with interesting shops, that it feels like it takes you forever to get to another end of town. Visitors would be stopping every now and then for some interesting shops. I happened to come across one of these interesting shops. This one is Musée Cinéma et Miniature or the Movies and Miniature Museum. As the name implies, this is a museum dedicated to both movies and miniature. I’m not a museum goer nor am I a movie goer, but I think the miniature part would interest most visitors.

Miniature Hospital Ward in the Movie and Miniature Museum in Lyon

Miniature Hospital Ward in the Movie and Miniature Museum in Lyon

There is actually an entrance fee here in the museum but they have a few exhibits on display here outside so people can get a taste of what to see here. What was on display absolutely stunned me. There were these miniature sets which look absolutely life-like. For example a library with books strewn across the table. The pictures I took don’t do it any justice since I was so close. But it is also a testament to the incredible detail that these miniatures have. I think it is a bit of a lost art in when it comes to movie making. It might be easier to just use computer graphics to create something rather than having a full size or just a miniature model of something. Although I only went as far as the free area, I think this is a museum worth visiting.

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