Train to Lyon

Airport Train at Lyon

Airport Train at Lyon

Airports are supposed to be easy to navigate after all a lot of people would be coming from other places, you want these people to be as comfortable as possible and making the airport easy to use should be a requirement. I ran into some confusion as to how to get to town. Like a lot of airports, the airport in Lyon was located outside the city. One would need to take a train to get there my problem was where was this train. Well, it took me a little walking back and forth before figuring out where it is. There was actually a staircase going down to the platform.

Train Departing From Lyon Airport

Train Departing From Lyon Airport

I was glad I found it from there it was easy to navigate. The train leaves at regular intervals and I was lucky that there was one about to depart. One thing to remember about European trains is that there are buttons to press to get the doors open. This applies to boarding and disembarking from the train. The buttons are hard to miss, just don’t forget to press them when getting off. There is a ticket kiosk at the platform. It seems that honesty system prevails here. They are probably trying to keep costs down so they only have staff check tickets once in a while. This obviously gets abused very easily, and I have seen this in Parisian trains. The trains are nice and clean, if a bit small but there won’t be a million passengers going to the airport in a day. Anyway, my next stop will be the Vaulx-en-Velin La Soie Station.

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