Inside the Royal Castle of Warsaw

Great Assembly Hall in the Royal Castle of Warsaw

Great Assembly Hall in the Royal Castle of Warsaw

The royal castle of Warsaw is not as famous as the royal castles of France or Germany however it is every bit as European a castle can get. The halls I was passing through were nice enough but it feels more like a nice mansion than one for a king. I was hoping for something that might be comparable to Versailles but this wasn’t like that. I was then proven wrong when I entered the Great Assembly Hall. As the name implies, this is a place where the king would have meetings, but that is not the important bit about it.

Inside the Great Assembly Hall of the Royal Castle of Warsaw

Inside the Great Assembly Hall of the Royal Castle of Warsaw

The great assembly hall is a brightly colored room. There were columns around the room which remind you that this is actually a royal castle. There were highlights of gold in the room and it was all over the place. The ceiling is painted with a beautiful painting, yes, not unlike the Palace of Versailles. Back in the day, it was common to paint ceilings with beautiful images usually religious in nature. This was also true for royal palaces as I have seen in the Palace of Versailles in France and now the Royal Castle of Warsaw. This is no Hall of Mirrors though but it certainly comes close. The chandeliers only add to the beauty of the room.

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