I think I’m taking much longer than I anticipated. I underestimated the time for me to get from one village to another in this tour of the Wooden Churches of Southern Lesser Poland. I was only in my second stop in the town of Haczów. I was enjoying my visit of the wooden churches that I was losing track of time. I need to move on to keep my schedule. The next one on the list is a church in the village of Binarowa. It seems it is a good hour away from Haczów, it was a good decision to rent a car here.
It was a ctually a good chance for me to see the countryside of Poland for a change. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that great. I was expecting a bit mo wilderness but there wasn’t that much of it at least from where I was passing through. I pretty sure they have national parks here but I probably was expecting a bit more. I imagined that I was in a rather remote corner of the country and that it would be much more rural than it would be. What I did notice what the liberal use of wood in building houses – think log cabins. No wonder they used them in churches.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ChurchofSaintMichaelBinarowa.kmz} zoom=19]