I wasn’t sure if the Saint Kinga’s Chapel was the end of the tour at the Wieliczka Salt Mine. We were given a few minutes to go around the entire chapel. It was actually quite spacious when you consider this is all underground. There were a lot of sculptures on the walls which remind you that this place actually a chapel. There images were mostly about the life of Jesus Christ as chapels then to show. And since this was a chapel, there should be a place which is an altar. There was a lot of detail done in makes these impressive works of art. You will have to start forgetting that these are made of rock salt.
It is hard to fathom that the entire chamber is made of rock salt. It is even harder to imagine that all this was still not the entirety of the entire mine. I don’t know much rock salt is left here in the mine but I think that it is still quite substantial. I think there were better ways of extracting the salt and that tourism probably provides better income now compared to mining. This is good so that the mine stays the way it is. Anyway, our guide has already starting calling for us. It seems that there is still stuff to see here.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/WieliczkaSaltMine.kmz} zoom=19]