Sculpture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Complete with Illuminated Heart Made of Salt Crystal at the Wieliczka Salt Mine
I was very impressed with Saint King’a Chapel at the Wieliczka Salt Mine. There was tunnel which opened up to a vast chamber which has been carved out of rock salt. Not wanting to waste precious space, the workers converted the place into a chapel. The chapel is a wonder to behold from the ledge. Visitors can see the entire chapel from above as well as the delightful chandeliers which are made of salt crystals. There is no additional entrance fee here but if you need to take photos of this place make sure you purchase the camera fee. It seems that there is a lot to see here in this chapel.
The walls of the chapel are adorned with various sculpture much like the standalone ones which we have seen previously. Since this is a chapel, it is no surprise that the sculpture here are religious themed. It is actually no different from the normal chapel or church which would religious images on display. The huge difference in this case would be that the figures would be made of rock salt. One can really feel the devotion of the ones of made this place. If one wanted a chapel, they would have just carved out the chamber and put tables and chairs in it. Apparently, I was thinking too small.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/WieliczkaSaltMine.kmz} zoom=19]