The main market square of Krakow has a few prominent buildings. Perhaps none as prominent as Saint Mary’s Basilica. This seems to be one of several non-secular structures here in the square. Arguably, Saint Mary’s Basilica is one of the more well known in Poland. The church officially named Church of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven. It is very well preserved building, also made of brick much like the town hall tower. It would appear that Poland has this fondness for using bricks when building structures. I must admit that the choice of brick is much more attractive than gray stone.
From the outside the church is non-symmetrical. It has two towers but they are not identical. I was unable to find the reason for this difference perhaps it was really built that way and not because it was destroyed. Incidentally, the church was reconstructed in the 14th century and it is now a very good example of Polish Gothic architecture. One can see that the roof of the church is very tall, which is a characteristic of Gothic architecture. I wanted to visit the church that time but there was a service and I wasn’t able to get in to take photos. One can see how popular this church is through the large numbers of people coming through the door. I would have to wait a while to take photos.
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