One of the first landmarks one would see when entering Warsaw Old Town is the Warsaw Barbican. It is the network of walls which encircle the Old town of Warsaw. The walls are made of bright red brick and are very striking. A lot of the walls here have been restored after World War Two. The Barbican has the look of a castle especially with its pointy towers. However, that was all there is to it. The walls are high enough to keep invaders at bay for a while but only if they dare to approach it. The Warsaw Barbican looks imposing and it looks like it would have been difficult to penetrate.
The walls have their origins from 1540. However, as time would prove, the walls weren’t really very useful at all. The defenses were easily overcome and Warsaw Old Town was captured easily. Part of the walls had to be brought down because they weren’t very useful at all. At least it looks nice. Now, it serves as a reminder of eras past. The walls are now a tourist attraction and probably home to some buskers would play music or paint for visitors.
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