Clogher Strand

Clogher Strand

Clogher Strand

I wasn’t really paying attention to the map but I think I was most probably already halfway through the Slea Head Drive. I was probably on the norther shore of the Dingle Peninsula and I think was already starting to make my way back to the town of Dingle. However, it seems that the Dingle Peninsula continues to give. There was another stop along the road which means that there was something nice to see here. From what I can see, this place is called Clogher Strand.

Hills Near Clogher Strand

Hills Near Clogher Strand

The beach itself didn’t seem to be anything special but I think it is the surrounding scenery is what is interesting here. There are a series of undulating features in the land that aren’t really hills yet. It was almost as it is it was waves of land frozen solid. I didn’t find anything which would explain the features but I would be guessing the ice age glaciers did the trick here. Glaciers are powerful sculptors and they can easily carve land to look like this. This part of the world isn’t a stranger to glaciers back in the ice age. What was strange to me was how close it was to sea level. It is possible that the sea levels were much lower back then.

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