View of Staigue Fort

A Look at Staigue Fort

A Look at Staigue Fort

The Staigue Fort is not the first stone fort I have visited in Ireland. Within my first few weeks of my arrival here, I was whisked to visit the Grianan Aileach in county Donegal. I must say that I was quite impressed with that fort. It seemed to be in very good condition and I liked the idea of how isolated it was. The Staigue Fort is very much like it that regard. This was a rather remote part of the county. The fort wasn’t built on the highest part of the area but it was high enough to see around. Not a lot is known about this fort, it is theorized that a wealthy landowner built this and thus needed some security.

Staigue Fort

Staigue Fort

It is so well made that almost two thousand years after it was built, it is still standing. At the time of my visited there were only a handful of visitors, so I guess it doesn’t get the same number of visitors the other places get. I think that because of the wide scope of the Ring of Kerry, the visitors are not concentrated in one single area. This is actually good news as the tourist money and traffic is spread all around. I managed to climb all the way to the top of the wall and take a photo. Even with a wide angle lens, I still couldn’t capture the entire thing. It does look like I’m higher than I actually am.

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