Bridge at Glenstal Abbey

Can You See the Arched Bridge at Glenstal Abbey

Can You See the Arched Bridge at Glenstal Abbey

My visit to Glenstal Abbey was turning to be a strange one. I still have see the abbey itself, or have I. I am under the impression that abbey would be work monks would be staying but I don’t think I see too many of them. There was one elderly man, who I assume to be a monk, he was sitting out for some sun and a lot of people seem to know him. Anyway, there were signs saying parts were off limits to visitors. It seems that the public places were the gardens. I decided that that is where I would be exploring.

Swampy Water at Glenstal Abbey

Swampy Water at Glenstal Abbey

It was impressed to see large pond here. There was a path around it and on side meets up with the main road. This means that the other side would be lower. I thought it would be nice to walk around this pond and hopefully come closer to it at the same time. The water didn’t seem to be very nice as there was lot of green stuff floating on it, much like a swamp. The water does drain off to one side of the pond. What isn’t immediately visible is that there is a nice little bridge. In fact, it was the main road crossing the pond. The bridge is actually multi-arched and it would have made a nice photo given the right conditions. Unfortunately for me, I only had a wide angle lens, so I couldn’t really get a close up photo of the bridge. Not a lot people seem to pass this way so I just make my way out.

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