From the Bunratty House, I head back to the village center. In this case, there was a cluster of more modern houses which along a street which look much like a village center. It is actually quite attractive and I thought this could be their Main Street. There structures here weren’t that many but it gives you the impression that it is a busy place. One of the structures here turns out to be a post office. There was a sign outside which says that it is one. If you didn’t pay attention, you might have missed this.
The post office is a critical part of the village. Before the time of the telephone or the internet, this is how people communicated with each other over long distances. These days it is hard to imagine having to write a letter and have it travel so long to get to its destination. These days such conveniences are taken for granted. The post office also handles parcels much like they still do today. Inside of the post office shows how it was back then. There were a lot of shelves which boxes in them, presumably for safe keeping stuff. I don’t think this is actually a working post office since no one really lives in this village anymore.
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