The climax of a visit to the Gardens by the Bay is the free light show. The supertrees here at the Gardens by the Bay are lit and the colors change together with the music. The light show is quite popular since there are a lot of people here. A fun thing to do here to is lie down on the ground and just watch the show. A lot of people do this and I think it is quite fun. The closest thing I could compare this to is that forest scene from the movie Avatar, which had different colored plant life at night. Another nice activity is to enjoy the light show at at the elevated walkway. There is an elevated walkway which snakes around some of the supertrees. This will give you a very unique look at the supertrees when they are lit up like this.
There is an elevator inside on of the supertrees and you can go in for a fee of course. The light show is actually quite magical but the commentary for it may be a little too patriotic for my taste. Anyway, the Gardens by the Bay is really an interesting place to visit. There are other places to see here which are basically domes: Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest. I believe both have entrance fees and I didn’t bother to go in. Perhaps the next time I drop by I would take time to visit this place. For now, I was happy with what I have seen. I was starting to get hungry so I think it was time to move on.
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