Arriving at Coron-coron Beach

Black Volcanic Sand of Coron-coron Beach

Black Volcanic Sand of Coron-coron Beach

I already about a curious black sand beach somewhere near Legazpi City. I have heard of famous white sand beaches but never black sand. I have been to some not so nice beaches here in the country and the color of the sand is just gray. I don’t know if it is just something similar or totally different. The photos on the internet don’t really do it any justice since I think they are enhanced. It was best to see if for myself. I took a jeepney to the village of Bacacay and from the main junction I walks towards the water. Fortunately, with the magic of GPS, I managed to go the right way.

Outrigger Canoe at Coron-coron Beach

Outrigger Canoe at Coron-coron Beach

While the day certainly was very beautiful, it was extremely hot. The road going to the beach was nicely paved but there was hardly any shelter here from the intense sun. There were some houses along the way but it was mostly rural scenery. I noticed that I was actually going down an extremely gentle slope. I didn’t notice it until I saw the rice fields were terraced. Rice needs plenty of water and the field usually is flooded with water to grow. If you have a slope, all the water would flow down. The solution was to terrace the field. It is like rice terraces but on a very small scale. I would imagine that this is like walking down the slope of Mayon Volcano which right behind me.

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