I was pleasantly surprised to know that people can make houses out of windmills here in the Netherlands. The first floor of the windmill was turned into the residence of the owners over the windmill. Inside the body of the windmill were rooms which somehow were quite spacious considering the size constraints here. They have sitting rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. They even have first place for those cold winter nights. It is rather worrying to remember that the body of the windmill is covered in straw. This one obviously didn’t burn down though.
The sitting room and the dining room were quite permanent rooms. Bedrooms were another thing. It seems that they don’t have much space for bedrooms but they did make space for people to sleep in. By opening what seems to be a cabinet door, it turned out to be for a bed. The beds were cleverly hidden away saving precious space. The beds though seem a little undersized. I remember that the Dutch are the tallest people in the world but I don’t think they were that tall back then. When we were going around I was shocked at the sight of a mannequin in the a bed. It was rather creepy to put that there and I would have rather that they don’t have to since it was obvious what the bed was for. I wonder if some windmills offer a chance to stay in it.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/DeMuseummolen.kmz} zoom=19]