I left the Sint-Salvator Cathedral feeling underwhelmed. A supposedly medieval cathedral was actually quite small inside. Maybe there was really nothing to do there but I couldn’t help but thing about how we have not seen the entire church. We circled outside to have a look at the cathedral building and it seemed to be a massive structure. It would seem that the cathedral building is much larger than what we saw from the inside. There were supposed to be stained glass windows at one end of the cathedral but we didn’t see any.
I realized then that the cathedral was being renovated and we were only allowed in the part which was nearest the rear of the cathedral. The middle of the church was walled off and painted. Whatever used to be behind the wall it probably going to be renovated. Instead, the altar was also brought forward so the rites can continue. I didn’t think I saw any sign which said that the cathedral was being renovated. It was a pity that we didn’t get to see the entire church. I think it would have been even more impressive had we seen what was inside the rest of the cathedral.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SintSalvatorCathedral.kmz} zoom=19]