We finally left Kinvarra and head to what is known as the Burren. The Burren is a large karst formation which spans a large enough area for it to be a national park. It was going to be an interesting drive. As we were trying to make our way to the Burren, we saw a sign for Hazel Mountain Chocolate. We were chocolate lovers and the sign aroused our interest. I thought it would be a strange place to have a chocolate factory since they won’t be able to plant cocoa here. It was an amazing place to put the sign since it worked, at least for us. The next task was trying to find the place.
We used our phones to help us find the place and we arrived at place which was marked to be the Hazel Mountain Chocolate. We got out and tried to figure out how to get in. It didn’t seem to be a place for this chocolate. The ground floor was glass and it looked more like a chilling out place. Maybe that’s what their design, but where are the other patrons. We couldn’t figure out how to get it and gave up. As we were walking out, there was someone inside peeking to see who was there. It turned out to be just a house, albeit a very nice one. We were lucky we didn’t get shot for trespassing. The actually Hazel Mountain Chocolate was still further down the road. The sign was effective in getting our attention but it needs more in the way of directions. For all our trouble getting here, this place better be worth it.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HazelMountainChocolate.kmz} zoom=19]