Viewing Area at the High Line

Viewing Area at the High Line

Viewing Area at the High Line

I enjoyed walking along the High Line which is a recently re-purposed old train line. It is not a linear park which stretches several city blocks. Walking along the park gives you the illusion that there are no cars here since it seems like we were just walking past the buildings and the streets without seeing any cars. Perhaps this was also part of the experience to be able to get away from the city but still be in the city. I walked all the way to the end of the High Line where there seemed to be a few viewing areas.

Watching On Coming Traffic at the High Line

Watching On Coming Traffic at the High Line

There was a more obvious one which was on top of a building. I was curious about it since I’m crazy about views. I approached the building to figure out how to get in the viewing building but it was just the exit. I think the entrance is at the ground floor but one would need to walk some distance to get off the platform we were in, so I didn’t pay attention to that one anymore. Another interesting feature here was there was another viewing deck here but this one is free. There was part of the platform which stretches over the street. There were seats here facing the street with glass panels to people can safely look at the street. I thought it was a nice touch to do that as people can sit and relax while looking at the park and the street at the same time.

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