I was like a kid at the Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs in the American Museum of Natural History. The hall featured the fossils of some well known dinosaurs from the order Ornithischia which includes the triceratops and the stegosaurus as some members. The fossils were remarkably complete allows the museum to display the fossils in realistic poses. Naturally, the bones were held in place artificially but it is so good that you just need organs and skin to make the fossil come alive. The following hall promises to be even more impressive. The Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs it up next.
So what does Saurischian mean, this refers to the order of lizard hipped dinosaurs. The previous hall was for bird hipped dinosaurs. I didn’t know about this division of dinosaurs until now. Just like the previous hall this hall also contains some very charismatic dinosaurs. Some of which any kid would be able to recognize. The most prominent one on display here is the Tyrannosaurus Rex or more popularly shortened to T-Rex. The T-Rex is considered to be the largest land predator and it is certainly a very fearsome creature as what any fan of Jurassic Park would know. The T-Rex seems to be the focus of this hall but there were other Saurischians here which are also as famous. The apatosaurus is a long neck dinosaur which can be thought of as the cows of the dinosaur world. They are herbivorous but very large. I was surprised to know that this group of dinosaurs as Saurischians but the experts certainly know what they are doing.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory.kmz} zoom=19]