Penn’s Landing

USS Olympia and USS Becuna at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia

USS Olympia and USS Becuna at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia

I decided to leave the historical district all together. Looking at the map, I was thinking of going new the water. The nearest of which is the Delaware River. The map had a interesting mark on it which said Penn’s Landing. I had no idea who Penn was and why he was significant but I went there anyway. I was hoping to be able to take some interesting waterfront photos. I think I would like to see more of contemporary Philadelphia after all of that history. The Penn’s Landing isn’t really very far it was only a few blocks away from where I was.

Snacks at Penn's Landing

Snacks at Penn’s Landing

William Penn is known as the man who founded Pennsylvania. It seems to be quite an honor to be known as someone who founded a state but it seems he is one. If you look at a photo of William Penn you might recognize him as someone who looks like the Quaker Oats man, in the early 1900s William Penn was indeed the Quaker Oats man, though these days he is officially not. Anyway, what is most impressive here at Penn’s Landing is theh presences of a battleship – the USS Olympia. The Olympia is the best known for its roll in the Battle of Manila Bay. I wasn’t expecting a piece of Philippine history here. There is also a submarine moored here – USS Becuna. It think this is my first time to see a submarine. There are tours to explore the ships but I was only passing through.

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