Bushmills seems to be a very busy and yet charming little town. However, mention the name Bushmills to anyone and one thing would spring to mind. Not the town but whiskey. It seems the Bushmills is the home of a famous distillery. I, being not of the drinking sort, have never heard of the name Bushmills. Anyway, the distillery here seems to be a very popular tourist attraction. It is interesting to know that a lot of breweries and distillers open their doors to tours. I am not exactly sure why, perhaps it helps with brand awareness. It certainly worked for me. The Old Bushmills Distillery is certainly old. Started in the 1608, it is the old licensed distillery in the world, that is quite mind blowing. The distillery is actually just a short distance away from where we had our lunch but we decided to drive in anyway. There was a large parking area for visitors and it was already full of vehicles. We can see that this really is a very popular tourist attraction.
The distillery is the sole distillery for the Bushmills brand. They seem to be very specific when it comes to the ingredients they use to make their whiskey. Upon entry to the distillery building. There is a reception desk where visitors can purchase tickets the distillery tour. I thought the prices were a bit expensive considering that it is a just a tour, but I was told that the tour comes with a whiskey tasting. I’m not a huge fan of liquor, so I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. But I think seeing the distillery itself would be interesting. There is a large waiting area for visitors and they will be ushered in in batches. We are in the next batch so we just waited in the lobby and watched some videos of the distillery.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/OldBushmillsDistillery.kmz} zoom=19]