Inside the National Museum of Ireland

Not Sure What These Were But they Are Made of Gold

Not Sure What These Were But they Are Made of Gold

The National Museum of Ireland is somewhere in the city center of Dublin. We were brought here by our tour bus which was on its way to the garage. The National Museum is housed in an elegant government building and it seems to interesting enough. I do not know much about the history of Ireland nor this region for that matter. I was only surprised when I later found out how important Ireland has been in western civilization. I would belatedly find out that some names I knew when studying in school were actually Irish. Here in the National Museum of Ireland, we will be exploring some of Ireland’s ancient past as well as some exhibits from the medieval times.

Stone With Elaborate Markings on it

Stone With Elaborate Markings on it

After passing through the entrance, you will immediately notice the bright interior of the museum. The room is beautifully designed with some windows to let the light in. It was already late afternoon but the light was still showing. The entrance is occupied by the museum shop as well as provides some activities for kids. I head inside the main atrium where some of the exhibits are. There were a lot of very old artifacts here and yet they are open for viewing. The smaller ones are kept behind glass display cases but the larger ones, the ones you can’t easily take away, are very accessible. This seems to be an exhibit on the ancient era of Ireland, I hope to understand this more as I explore the National Museum even more.

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