We just kept walking along the paved road in our exploration of the Giant’s Causeway. It was a pleasant walk until a cold breeze would blow our way. Fortunately, I was prepared this time. From here the scenery start changing. This is the beginning of what the Giant’s Causeway is famous for. Along the way, we would see curious hexgonal rocks which are on the ground. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that these were artificial but they are not. The Giant’s Causeway has a lot of these rocks and there would be more of these up ahead.
The rocks were formed millions of years ago by volcanic activity. The mineral content of the rocks, which crystalizes into hexagonal shapes is the one which gave it is it distinctive shape. Over time, these rocks were uplifted into the surface where we can see them today. The rocks here were quite far from the water so there isn’t a lot of water erosion here yet. However, some of the parts are exposed to constant water. I won’t be surprised to see them disappear into the sea, although I don’t think it would happen for a long time. However, with global warming who knows.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Giant’sCauseway.kmz} zoom=19]