I haven’t been too many Western castles and although I have always been fascinated by them, I always thought they were out of reach. We’ll now, it is a different story, it is much less out of reach and it is only a question of whether I want to go there or not. Going out on a road trip with friends is definitely much more enjoyable than going out alone. I was lucky I was able to drag some friends out to come here and it seems that they were happy as well since the weather here was different from the dreary weather we always have at home.
Dunluce Castle isn’t really very big. The castle is built on top of a large rock with steep sides to protect it from invasion. Large parts of the castle remains but most notably the roof is gone. I’m not really surprised it is gone given how powerful the winds here can be. Parts of the castle are still recognizable such as a watch tower to defense. Other parts are quite generic that you need to read the guide to know what is actually is. Some would be living quarters, some would be the kitchen and so on. With a lot of the walls all gone, you can get an even better view of the sea from here. Sometimes, I would think that they built the castle here because of the view.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/DunluceCastle.kmz} zoom=19]