One would need a lot of time to explore Rome. There really are a lot of places to see here and it seems that everywhere you turn, there is a structure of significant value to be appreciated here. While we don’t really have time to explore the entire city, we would try to see as much of the important stuff as we can. One of these places is the Roman Pantheon. Now, I wasn’t really sure what the Roman Pantheon is. However, I probably have seen photos of the place but I just didn’t know what it was. I was actually quite surprised to see the Roman Pantheon when we got there.
It looks like one of those places which I would have normally associated with Greece. This has the mandatory Roman columns which typify classical Roman architecture. It was in a surprisingly good condition considering that it is almost two thousand years old. The Roman Pantheon has apparently been in use across the centuries even though its purpose has changed over the years. Now, it is a big tourist attraction and I was surprised to know that there is no entrance fee.
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