The Fontana del Moro or Moor Fountain is the third fountain in Piazza Navona, this is one of two fountains found on each side of the piazza. Much like the other two fountains, the fountain was designed with the theme of water in mind. There is a statue of a Moor in the center of the fountain. The Moor is supposedly someone from Africa. There are stories saying that the central figure was supposed to be Neptune, but Neptune was already featured in the previous fountain in the piazza.
There are four tritons surrounding the central figure. Interestingly, the status of the Moor was only added much later, it used to be only a dolphin there. It is intresting how that would add features to the fountains long after, I’m not sure I like the idea of adding to already established art. Very recently, there was vandalism done on the statues. The Trevi fountain was also damaged by the same vandal, fortunately, he was caught on video and was subsequently apprehended. It still don’t understand their logic for destroying beautiful works of art. In the end everyone suffers because of their foolishness either by having the work of art damaged beyond repair or having the art kept behind bullet proof glass.
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