Sant’Agnese in Agone

Imposing Sant'Agnese in Agone at Piazza Navona in Rome

Imposing Sant’Agnese in Agone at Piazza Navona in Rome

Piazza Navona was surprisingly rich in interesting places. The piazza features three fountains which help improve the area of the piazza which is considered quite dense. Apparently, there is a prominent family here name Pamphili. They have a palace here which was built on the sides of the square. For you to be able to build your own palace here, you needed to be very important and rich. The palace faces the square but is isn’t at the center of the square. That spot is reserved for the church. This is a typical European style plaza design which normally features a church or government offices, in this case, a palace.

Sant'Agnese in Agone at Piazza Navona in Rome

Sant’Agnese in Agone at Piazza Navona in Rome

The church was built right next to the palace and unsurprisingly, there is a path for the family to just walk into the church for services. The Sant’Angese in Agone is a modestly size baroque church. It is actually quite nice even though it is not very large. It still two towers on each side and a central dome. Visitors are allowed to visit this church but my friends seemed to have enough of churches. It is their loss, I’m sure it would nice inside.

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