Pieta by Michelangelo

The Famous Pieta by Michelangelo at Saint Peter's Basilica

The Famous Pieta by Michelangelo at Saint Peter’s Basilica

I can’t claim to be a art buff but growing up I loved drawing, I was never really great at it compared to some people I know who are really good. Most of my art would be limited to designing the bulletin board for our class, never more than that. I couldn’t even get a spot on the school paper. Enough complaining, since then I decided to try to focus my creative powers on the web, that didn’t really go well either. However, along the way I was exposed to images of great works of art. One of them was probably from, what I would consider the greatest artist in my opinion, Michelangelo. For the longest time I knew the name Michelangelo but I never thought of thinking what his surname was. Now I know, his full name is Michelangelo Buonarroti.

The Pieta by Michelangelo Behind Bullet Proof Glass at Saint Peter's Basilica

The Pieta by Michelangelo Behind Bullet Proof Glass at Saint Peter’s Basilica

The work of art in question was Pieta. The Pieta is a sculpture my Michelangelo depicting Jesus and His Mother Mary after Jesus was brought down from the cross. Jesus laying lifeless on the lap of a sitting and grieving Mary. I remember that I was asked to draw a picture of this amazing work of art. It wasn’t easy for me, especially the garments. I will give you a clue though, the drawing didn’t turn out that well. Little did I know that I would be seeing the real thing myself. I didn’t know that the Pieta by Michelangelo was houses here in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

This is probably one of the most famous works of art around. My surprise was tempered by the knowledge of how it is displayed now. The Pieta by Michelangelo is protected behind bulletproof glass because of an attack on the statue by a deranged man, yes, with hammer and all. Most of the sculpture remained intact but parts of it had to be restored. It now sits behind the safety of the bulletproof glass. I felt bad that it had to be kept like this but I guess it is for the best. It was a bit too far from the visitors and my wide lens can’t really get any closer. I can only look at it from afar and be grateful that Michelangelo is a much better artist than I am.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SaintPeter’sBasilica.kmz} zoom=19]