Pizza Dinner in Venice

Hawaiian Pizza in Venice

Hawaiian Pizza in Venice

We went back to our hostel quite early. My companions were probably too tired from exploring the islands of Murano and Burano. I was glad it wasn’t really the whole amazing race type of touring. Murano and Burano were both small and it was very easy and comfortable to just walk around the islands. While it is possible to explore both of them in one afternoon, I would not suggest that you do so. In doing so, you would miss out on the charm of the islands, which I couldn’t see in Venice itself. We took a vaporetto from the same station where we arrived in Burano. Burano is much further from Venice so the ride is a little longer. I didn’t mind that since the lagoon looks so peaceful. I know, however, that mayhem awaits me at Venice. It is indeed a far cry from the two islands we just visited.

Seafood Pizza in Venice

Seafood Pizza in Venice

We decided to go for a pizza dinner. I wasn’t really too big on having “merely” pizza but I was outnumbered. The pizza here is actually not that bad, the poritions were just enough for me but a bit too much for my friends that they had to share. Unfortunately, one of them loves Hawaiian pizza. I could probably go with having pizza here in Venice but I would definitely not order Hawaiian pizza, but that was my friend’s choice, despite my explanations. Fine, Hawaiian is actually quite tasty, but if you are looking for “authentic” stuff, Hawaiian isn’t one of them. However, to its credit, the restaurant’s pizzas were quite nice. I like them thin and crispy, these didn’t disappoint.

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