We wanted to visit a glass blowing factory in Murano. I heard that this was one of the more interesting activities here in the island. I must admit that this was something that piqued my interest as well. Apparently, there was a glass factory near where we had our lunch. However, it didn’t seem to be open at that time. I wasn’t sure which day it was, but I felt a bit disappointed at not seeing it in action. I do feel a sigh of relief as well since the free glass factory tour would most probably lead to a shop where you buy stuff. I don’t know how bad their sales pitch can be here but from the shops that I have seen so far, they seem to be okay with people just coming in for a look.
Part of the enjoyment of Murano is the appreciation of medieval architecture. A lot of the houses in Murano have been preserved or at least restored to how it was back then. You would be hard pressed to find a dilapidated house here. I don’t know how expensive houses here are but most folk probably live off the tourism industry. It is not as busy as Venice here so business might be a little more difficult to come by. I wouldn’t be surprised to know what people go to Venice itself to find work.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/MuranoIsland.kmz} zoom=19]