Top of the Eiffel Tower

Communication Equipment on top of the Eiffel Tower

Communication Equipment on top of the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower has the best view in all of Paris. The only thing preventing us from seeing most of Paris was the mist which was in the area. The Eiffel Tower is Paris’ most iconic landmark. Although iconic, the design of the tower wasn’t as appreciated back then. Gustave Eiffel also got a lot of flak for the design but he continued with the design. Classic the design may be, but the tower has stood the test of time so far. It is common to fit very tall structures with communication equipment as it is best for line of sight communications. The Eiffel Tower is certainly the best spot to put these equipment in the whole of Paris as it is the tallest structure around. From the viewing deck on top, you can see these equipment, but they are all off limits naturally.

Gustave Eiffel's Apartment on Top of the Eiffel Tower

Gustave Eiffel’s Apartment on Top of the Eiffel Tower

Another curious thing at the top of the Eiffel Tower was the presence of an apartment. Yes. Apparently, Gustave Eiffel maintained an apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It seems he meets important people here. It was small but decent. I don’t know how often Eiffel stays here but it is a very inconvenient location to live in. Although the views you see in the morning are stupendous, it isn’t a terribly convenient place to live in. There was an exhibit of Eiffel and Thomas Edison at the apartment. The massive pillars and beams of the tower push through the apartment. I would be not fun if you happen to hit your head against the beams.

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