We probably spent more time listening to the stories being told by the audio guide at the Tithe Barn and exploring the barn. Most of the time we would just be starting at the exhibit while there was a long story told. I had to give up after a few stories, yes, they were very informative but I was getting sleepy. Now, if only they have a place for visitors to sleep here in the barn. Anyway, we exited the barn through the very steep flight of stairs which brings you to the main street. I had no idea it was set up like than and it was a pleasant surprise. We continued on to the town were we encountered this rather charming little shop.
The name of the shop was very French – À la Croisée des Chemins. Apparently, this place was named after its location. The name translated to “at the crossroads”, this probably gives you an idea where the shop was located. The shop seem to be one of those charming little shops you see in small towns. This one seems to be specializing in spices and similar stuff. On the right side of the shop, there was a table with containers of all the spices you can imagine. You might already expect the standard European spices to be here but I was pleasantly surprised to see some oriental spices. In particular, I saw a container with Sichuan pepper or prickly ash, I am quite familiar with this spice as I am a huge fan of Sichuan cooking. There were also the standard Provins stuff like rose flavored stuff. I like the setup of the place as it was very inviting and charming. The owner or staff was also very friendly, constantly asking us if we needed any help. If I lived in Provins, I would definitely be buying a lot of stuff from this shop.
8 rue Couverte
77160 Provins, France
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ALaCroiseeDesChemins.kmz} zoom=19]