Our ferry on which we are taking the tour of the River Seine was moving along a bit faster than I expected. Then again, this is probably to be expected for such services. Basically “get the tour over with so the can get the next batch of losers”. Add to that the fact that there was a commentary on the tour but since it was only audible below deck, there wasn’t much point to it. I would rather they have a portable audio guide for each passenger who needs one. Then again, the people who take this ferry ride probably don’t need to know what they are seeing, and are probably just in it for the experience. I probably would have wanted a more intimate experience, perhaps doing it at night would be better. I don’t know why my friend wanted to do it in while it was still bright outside but even though it was already late afternoon, the sun won’t be setting for several more hours.
The ferry was passing by numerous beautiful buildings. It is incredible to see them all one after the other. I think I would take this as a preview of what is available here along the River Seine. But given the number of beautiful structures here, it is highly doubtful that we would be able to see even half of them. I think we just have to pick a few. A proper tour of Paris would probably require staying in the city for a week or more. There is so much to see here, spending only a few days here would not do it any justice.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/RiverSeine.kmz} zoom=19]
You have a lovely blog. When I have more time, I’d like to read more of your archives.