With more than an hour queuing to visit the Virgin of Montserrat, the actual visit at the sanctuary was surprisingly short. There wasn’t much room at the sanctuary so one can’t really linger there. However, for those that do want to linger, there is another room directly behind the image of the virgin. This room is much bigger than the previous one. There are a lot of chairs here where visitors can sit and pray. Incidentally, the image of the Virgin of Montserrat is also visible through an opening behind the image.
I happened to see the auntie who was cutting the queue in front of us. I didn’t pay much attention to her as she didn’t seem to be the frail old lady that she seems to portray. Anyway, it was time for us to leave this place. On the way out of the church, the pathway was lined with racks of candles. The candles here are lit by people who have special intentions. There is normally a nominal donation to be made for the intentions. The candles make very pretty picture as the candle holders have different colors. Next, we will be entering the basilica itself.
[xmlgm {hbttp://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Montserrat.kmz} zoom=19]