Barcelona has a few museums and we happened to chance upon the Museu d’Història de la Ciutat or the City Museum of Barcelona. As the name implies, this museum focuses on the history of the city of Barcelona. We were asked to leave our bags at the entrance. They have a coin operated locker, where you insert one euro coin to store you stuff in. You get the coin back afterwards. It doesn’t seem to be a heavily visited museum though so there was no hurry. We were provided portable audio guides to help us understand what we were seeing. I preferred the ones which I don’t have to carry about. Maybe earphones or headphones would be good, or at least let me use my own earphones.
![Beautifully Designed Floor Mosaic at the Remains of Some Roman Columns at the Museu d'Història de la Ciutat of Barcelona](
Beautifully Designed Floor Mosaic at the Remains of Some Roman Columns at the Museu d’Història de la Ciutat of Barcelona
The main area of interest of the museum is the basement. Amusingly, you take a lift to bring you down to the basement. The lift also functions as a time machine, where the lift counts down to the time when Barcelona was founded. From here you are shown the very foundations of the city of Barcelona as it was back in the Roman times. It is incredible to realize how much city was built on top of the old Barcelona. Here, you can see the ruins of some foundations of houses as it was back then. Most of the stuff on display here were large stones and some pillars along with some illustrations one how it must have looked like back then and for what purposes they were. It is nice to see how the people lived back then.
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