I got a couple hours sleep at the apartment we were staying in at Barcelona. My friends just arrived at the airport and it would probably take them a while to get to the apartment. I liked that apartment and I liked the area it was in. It seemed that there are a few eating places here but they don’t look very cheap. I didn’t see any sign of fast food here but maybe a little more exploration will help. It took my friends an hour to get to the apartment and it seemed that they got a bit lost. They got their rooms settled quickly and gathered all their stuff to head out again. It seems they feel it was a little chilly though I though it was perfectly nice. With winter wear in hand we head out.
Since it was already past lunch time, I begged them to have lunch. There were a few eateries in the area and we ended up with place which served Spanish food. It was a small restaurant on the way to the Universitat station but the staff here were very friendly. They don’t speak English at all, so it boiled down to me trying to figure out what they were talking about. My friends weren’t very familiar with European languages so I just have a slight edge above them. I did managed to secure our food, with some “typical” Spanish food at least claimed the overly friendly waitress. The dish which almost everyone ordered was fideua, which looks suspiciously like paella, but this one is made from very short noodles. It appears to be cooked the same way though. It was an interesting dish, though I still prefer the rice version.
The other dish which I had was salmon, this was a strange order since I probably won’t order this but the waitress insisted I order this since they would make it especially for me. I don’t know what that meant but the fish was nice and juicy. I finished off with dessert of flan and beer. Probably not the best combination. The prices were quite normal for European standards so I wasn’t really surprised by them anymore. However, kudos for the staff for taking great effort to communicate with us. It probably helps that they can see someone who somewhat understands them.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/UniversitatStation.kmz} zoom=19]