I would sometimes forget that the Alcazar de Segovia is actually a castle. The design of the interiors of the castle can be a sight to behold. Much of the highlights come from the arab design elements of the castle. This usually comes in the form of a very intricately design ceiling. As you can imagine, the ceiling is probably one of the most difficult to design in a room. Think about it, if you are painting on the ceiling you have the lie down on your back high above the ground to make this. This is truly a work of art when completed.
The other rooms in the Alcazar de Segovia where just as magnificent again with beautifully designed ceilings. One of the rooms was the room where one can best appreciate the ceiling – the bedroom. The bedroom of the castle was surprisingly bare with a glaring lack of furniture other than the bed, of course. However, the walls of the bedroom were covered in beautiful panels which seem to tell a story. The ceiling of the bedroom is unlike the other rooms where they were predominantly gold. The one in the bed room was darker presumably it was meant to be dark since people need to sleep in there.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AlcazardeSegovia.kmz} zoom=19]