The Choir Area at the Cathedral of Segovia

Choir Area at the Cathedral of Segovia

Choir Area at the Cathedral of Segovia

The layout of the Cathedral of Segovia is very traditional. I have seen this layout previously at the Cathedral of Toledo and now I’m not surprised to see it now. The altar area is off limits due to the presence of a massive fence which allows people to see the altar but not approach it. Directly across the altar area is the choir which is probably just as large an area as the altar. This too is also fenced off but there is a gate which allows people to go in. The choir area is lined with wooden folding seats which was a surprise to me.

Choir Seats at the Cathedral of Segovia

Choir Seats at the Cathedral of Segovia

The choir lines the walls of the area facing the center and most probably towards the choir master. There is a large organ above the choir area and it would have been and impressive sight to see and hear the choir perform here. Between the choir and the altar are rows of seats for the congregation or perhaps the more important ones. You can clearly see from the design of the cathedral how the attitudes of the church were back then. I believe it is much different now as it tend tends to be more inclusive than they were before. It is just as well since attendance has dropped considerably over the years.

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